TCM O200A ENGINE for 415-C, CD, D, E, G, F-1, F-1A, A2 and A2-A
STC SA2628WE Documentation Packages and PMA Approved Hardware Kits include;
- Fuel Pump
- Fuel Pressure Switch
- Miscellaneous Items required to accomplish the fuel system modification
An optional Push Button Starter Kit is available for purchase above.
The engine, propeller and associated hardware items will remain the responsibility of the installer in the interest of allowing the maximum procurement flexibility; as the STC permits the use of new, rebuilt or continued time components to accomplish the TCM O200A engine installation.
The STC amendment (FAA approval 01/16/2020) authorizes the installation of TCM O200A, 100 HP engines on Type Certificate Part 4a, T.C. A-718; Univair 415-C and 415-CD aircraft and Type Certificate CAR 03, T.C. A-787; 415-D, 415-E and 415-G aircraft. This STC approval allows owners of 415C and CD aircraft to replace their aging, out of production TCM C75 and C85 engines with the readily available TCM O200A series power plant Without The Loss of LSA Eligibility.
The TCM O200A engine brings with it numerous benefit that include incresased power of up to 30%, a modern design that is in current production, a stronger crankcase, improved motor mounts; for smooth operation and the reliable Marvel Schebler MA -3SPA carburetor; which is designed with an accelerator pump for easier starting and lower maintenance.
During the certification process the previously approved installation instructions and drawings were updated. Among the items changed are the simplification of the right front baffle rework, a wiring change that allows the RED electric fuel pump warning light to glow at any time that power is up in the aircraft and fuel is not flowing to the header tank, the development of an FAA approved Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement (AFMS) to enhance safety and FAA approved Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) to insure all maintenance tasks are identified.
For owners of 415C and CD aircraft; the revised STC stipulates that STC SA02450CH “Gross Weight Increase to 1320 lbs.” be applied to insure the airframe meets the structural standards of Type Certificate Part 4a, A-718, Note 3; with the exception of the requirement to install a replacement stainless steel skin on the top of the boot cowl, which is not required per STC SA02450CH. The Gross Weight Increase is available for purchase above if you have not already installed it (Choose "Previously Purchased"). Please Note: If choosing "previously purchased" we will be confirming the Tail# or Serial # against our records to ensure conformity with this stipulation.
O200A Product Sheet
O200A Installation Manual
O200A Installation Notes
TAS-415-1 & 3 Component Call Out