We find customers are often confused when it comes to determining if a replacement is all that's needed or if an STC will be required to add harnesses. 

We hope this will be a helpful guide to direct you to what you need.

REPLACEMENT - You have existing attachment points that were either factory installed, added with an FAA approved STC or by field approval.  An STC is not required in this case because you are re-using the same mounting location & hardware.

Replacing a restraint is like replacing a tire or air cleaner, and simply requires a mechanic sign off & log-book entry.  Another thing to note is that the new part # does not need to be the same as what came out or what is in the IPC (illustrated parts catalog).  Fit, Form & Function are what the FAA is looking for. 

UPGRADE- You have existing attachment points that were either factory installed, added with an FAA approved STC or by field approval, and would like to move from a fixed / static / manual harness to an inertial reel.  An STC is not required in this case because you are re-using the same mounting location & hardware.  This is an FAA acceptable upgrade.

STC - SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE -you want shoulder harnesses to your plane but you do NOT have existing attachment points. In most cases you will need an STC approval because you will be modifying the aircraft by drilling, riveting,etc.  The installation needs to be overseen by a qualified mechanic, and a Form 337 will need to be submitted to the FAA.  If you do not see your model on the STC approved models list look to see if it's under the Minor Change or PMA installations.

MINOR CHANGE - this option is available when your plane has an acceptable mounting location that does not require welding, drilling, riveting, etc; such as a tube frame or an accessible nut plate.

PMA - PARTS MANUFACTURING AUTHORITY - we have worked with the FAA to gain approval to manufacture parts that may no longer be available, or are way overpriced and are out of reach for the average person.  There will be some riveting and hardware work required, but the installation is based on a previously approved method and therefore does not require an STC.

Any & All Questions are Welcome!

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