
Ercoupe Fiberglass Legacy Nose Bowl STC

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STC Approved Models: 415 Series, Forney, Alon & Mooney M10


Is your nose bowl in need of replacement?   Is it cracked, patched and just simply looking bad?   Worn out and wearing thin from years of vibration?   It's too expensive to purchase a new replacement and all the used nose bowls you have seen are as bad as yours?   REPLACE IT with a Fiberglass Legacy Nose Bowl for half the cost of an aluminum nose bowl.

The KE2-635A Legacy Nose Bowl has been developed to allow owners and operators of Univair (ERCO) 415 Series, Forney, Alon and Mooney M10 aircraft to replace their aging OEM aluminum nose bowls.

The KE2-635A Fiberglass Replacement Nose Bowl provides the same fit, finish and appearance as the OEM aluminum article with the advantage of improved airflow, durability and ease of repair.

  • Improved Durability
  • Modern, rounded look which is easily painted
  • If damaged, can be easily repaired to its original appearance

Airframe Qualification;  Aircraft that have a standard airworthiness certificate are eligible for this installation

Weight & Balance; The KE2-635A replacement nose bowl has a location of station -32 and a net weight change of approximately 1 pound.


STC Installation Overview

STC Product Sheet