STC SA330GL is now being offered for production as "Owner Produced Parts". This is a one time design approval, with an approved drawing package, authorizing production of Owner Produced Parts or the use of verified Salvaged Parts.
We have put together a program that facilitates the owner or operator's fabrication and installation of the 9cf baggage Compartment as "Owner Produced Parts" under FAA regulation Part 21. 303, (b), 2. This approach can be taken due to the facts that the individual parts are produced from standard aircraft materials, and are simple requiring no compound curves, special processing or exotic finishes. In addition, we have put together a resource package of documents that supports this approach, and will be of interest to the A/P and IA that will be returning the modified aircraft to service. The Resource Document Package is available for your use in evaluating this opportunity, and can be found in the links section below.
This STC Approval Includes:
FAA STC SA330GL design approval
Material List
Drawing Package
Signed use approval for a single aircraft by serial and tail number as part of the invoicing process
The Raw Materials that will need to be sourced locally:
6063-T52 Aluminum Angle (20 ft)
Aluminum Angle Notes:
1. Do No Substitute
2. It's better to order a little extra than have to re-order
2024T3 Alclad Aluminum Sheet - .020 (32 sf)
2024T3 Alclad Aluminum Sheet - .032 (4 sf)
AC Marine Grade 5 ply Plywood - 1/2" (16 sf)
AC Marine Grade Plywood - 1/4" (32 sf)
To aid the installation, Alpha Aviation Inc is offering a hardware packet containing the items called out on the material list, and is available for purchase separately. This is not a mandatory purchase, but will ensure the correct hardware is available and reduce your having to purchase each item individually.. The Hardware Packet Parts List can be reviewed under "links".
Resource Documents Package
Photos of a Completed Installation
Hardware Packet Parts List
Owner Produced Parts - Notes